Monday, 14 September 2015

5 Types Of Lecturers In Nigeria Tertiary Institutions

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1. Dr. PDF
This is that lecturer that sends study materials
and publications to students' mail boxes or
sometimes to the class representative; who in
turn forwards it to every students whom it may
concern prior to the time when the class finally
He comes to class the next week to explain the
materials in detail and answer questions from
every students that has one to ask.
He even receives and
answers questions via e-mail.
No doubt, every student loves this lecturer;
though they are scarcely in this side of the

2. Lecturer West
You know how Kanye West barely smiles, right?
Even on his wedding.
Yeah, it’s really weird. This is the case of Mr.
Kanye West too. He comes to the lecture
theatre, scornfully faced, zero smile and begins
You'll be making a huge mistake if you’re
planning to get on his wrong side. Also, he
doesn’t really care if you decipher what he has
spewed for the past 2 hours or not.
Don’t bother telling him you don’t understand
either, because “Meet those who understand”
has always been his reply.

3. Mrs. Anti-Nonsense
This lady lecturer gets irritated at the sight of
almost anything any of her students do.
You dare not reply the numerous calls of nature
in her class.
She’s anti-nature too I guess; She doesn’t
condone yawning, sneezing, whispering,
murmuring, clapping, sighing and so on.
She doesn’t permit sweating too!
Oh well!

4. Commercial Lecturer
* The over serious lecturer - He is more serious
than the students, doesnt miss his class always
serious with his job
* The beggy Beggy lecturers - You all know what
that means
* The womanizer - He doesnt see anything on
skirt buh trousers
* The guru - He knows everything
* The saddiest - The one that nobody passes his
course, the
one that comes to the class the first day of the
semester and say
something like 95% of you guys will fail my
*The dully - This is you keep asking yourself how
come he
manages to be called a lecturer cos you know
more than him
* The Story teller - Comes to the class and tells
stories for 1 hour 30 minutes and teaches for the
remaining 30 minutes
* The Corrupt Lecturer - He is very corrupt and
he doesnt hide it, If you like score 100% you
still come and settle him/her.

5. Prof seminar
This one will
organize more than 5 seminars every semester
just for one
course you go present seminar with power point,
hard copy and soft copy almost every week

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